What is “uniSOUNDhealing”, how does it work,
and what can it do for you ?
What is ‘uniSOUNDhealing ? …
‘UniSOUNDhealing’ is a new sound technology I have developed that creates a ‘mirror of sound’ in which the person or group I’m working with:
* can see something of themselves they either forgot about
* or didn’t yet know that they had it in them (like a certain skill, quality, or talent)
* or something important to be aware of
How does it work ? …
It works through ‘reversing space’ in which I consider the person or group I am working with to be the ‘player(s)’, and myself be the ‘listener’.
By allowing the energy of that person or group to flow through me, I let my fingers play the notes ‘they’ want to play, and with that, a certain ‘SOULscape’ may appear.
What can this do for you ? …
Like in music, ‘uniSOUNDhealing’ works with harmonies and disharmonies.
When harmonies appear in a ‘SOULscape’ it points at something that contributes to and supports your ‘Wellness & Well-being’. A disharmony represents something that possibly interferes with that.
‘UniSOUNDhealing’ is both a diagnostic tool, as well as a rebalancing tool.
It helps to identify what is causing a particular imbalance or block, and it supports to release and resolve it.
P.S. In this videoclip below you see a LIVE demonstration I’ve given at the ‘Speaker Show Case’ in
Ottawa, Canada, in the year 2023.
“Speaker Show Case” LIVE Demonstration ! …
May this all contribute to living a fulfilling life, and the ability to manifest your Soul’s purpose.